In this introductory iconography class, Symeon will teach 12 participants over 4 months to make an Orthodox icon using traditional methods and materials. The Level 1 class provides the experience of making an icon by copying one of Christ the Pantocrator created by Symeon for this purpose. Such work from a prototype makes room for new students to train their eyes to look carefully and gain the skills their hands need to learn. This class is intended for those who have not previously had iconographic instruction.
In the class, we will learn to:
- create a drawing without tracing,
- make paint from pigment and binder,
- paint with egg tempera paint,
- oil gild with gold leaf, and
- name the icon.
This class includes all the materials needed for completing an icon, including a gessoed panel, pigments, and gold-leaf. All tools needed to complete the work will be provided for the duration of the class. By the end of the twelve weeks, each participant will have made their own small icon of Christ the Pantocrator to take home.
This class is scheduled to begin in January 2018 and meet weekly until April 2018 (exact date TBA) at St. Mary and Maurice’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Kitchener, Ontario. Doors will open each evening at 6:30pm, and classes will run from 7:00pm until 9:30pm. Missed classes will require the arrangement of a private lesson from Symeon, with an additional fee.
The cost for the full icon class is $350 per person. Payment can be made in cash, by cheque, or electronically via an eTransfer. If some special arrangement is necessary regarding payment, please add a note about this in the form below and Symeon will follow up.
For more information about events being offered click here.
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