Exploring the Mystical Supper Icon

Exploring the Mystical Supper Icon

In this engaging conversation, Symeon and Fr. Claude explore the significance of The Mystical Supper icon, discussing its theological implications, artistic choices, and the deeper meanings behind the gestures and colours used in the artwork. They delve into the symbolism of its fish, the portrayal of Judas, and the overall message of the icon as …

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Painting an Icon of Saint Nicholas

Painting an Icon of Saint Nicholas

Although many children will wait until the eve of December 24th to look for Santa Claus, this week, much of the church celebrates the life and continuing intersessions of the saint behind these stories, Nicholas of Myra. With joy, the studio completed an icon of this great saint and that my daughter Claire and I …

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The Washing

The Washing

A photo montage from the painting of, The Washing (of the Disciples’ Feet), in 2020.

Making an Icon: Panel

Making an Icon: Panel

Part two of the series, Making an Icon, is about making our traditional wooden icon panels at the studio.

Making an Icon: Wood

Making an Icon: Wood

Part one of the series, Making an Icon, is about harvesting lumber in preparation for making our icon panels at the studio.

Woad Blue

Woad Blue

Part four of the Local Colours of Conestoga series about harvesting blue pigment from woad at our studio.